0.0情報 EVE Null Sec史


来てくれてありがとう、このような機会を持つのはStates of the Goonionの成立宣言の時以来だ。その時とは違い、我々は安住の地を手に入れ、すぐに戦いに赴く必要はない。これから質疑応答を、北へと向かう前に行う。水曜日(訳注:アメリカではまだ水曜日つまりほぼ当日の告知)に告知を出したにも拘わらず来てくれたみんなにお礼を言いたい。普段はこういったことは週末にやっているのだが、我々は辛い戦争へと向かう必要がある。

Thank you for coming, it has been a long while since we had a State of the Goonion. Unlike speeches past, we are deploying and not immediately going into combat. There will be a Q&A after this as we get our shit together and start heading north. I would like to thank all of you for coming at such notice on a Weds. We normally do this on the weekend, but we are going into a dirty war


For more than a decade now, our people have been hunted, we are hunted because we are different. We are hunted because we do not belong. Most of all, we have been hunted because we will not obey. We are not like the rest of the galaxy. We refuse to play this game by the rules of our enemies. We refuse to conform to their demands and their hypocrisies. We believe in merit, we believe in talent, we embrace our newbies and treat them as brothers and sisters, because they are. We do not spit on our young. We do not dismiss our newbies to live as second class citizens in a segregated alliance, keeping the best for our so called elite. We do not think of ourselves as better people simply because we happen to own a Titan.


今まで、我々の敵は、エリートたちは、新たなプレイヤーを見下している奴らは、カジノの金に使っている奴らは、そしてGMからBPOをもらったやつらは、我々に汚い戦争を仕掛けた。彼らは彼らの違法な資源を使い、我々を攻撃した。我々がどこに展開しようとも、彼らは我々の近くにやってきた、Low Secに隠れ、我々の計画を邪魔し、それを阻止した。彼らは過ちを犯した、なぜならば、邪悪なカジノの金を受け取っていたからだ。彼らは過ちを犯した、なぜならば彼らの組織は初心者を受け入れずに、彼らの基準で「最良」のプレイヤーだけを受け入れたからだ。彼らは過ちを犯しつづけている。我々が彼らの土俵で戦うことを拒否しているからだ。だが、状況は変わった。

For more than a decade, our enemies, the elite, those who look down on new players, the cheaters with Casino money, and their dev spawned BPOs have engaged in dirty wars against us. They have leveraged their illicit resources to interfere with us. Whenever we deploy, they deploy near us, hiding in lowsec, disrupting our plans, and, getting away with it. They have gotten away with it because of their dark money. They have gotten away with it because their organisations hold the new players in contempt and allow only the best of the best to join their ranks. They have gotten away with it because we have refused to play their game to catch up to them, but now, things have changed.

今、我々はNew Edenで最も巨大な主力艦艦隊を編成することができる。今、ほかのアライアンスも初心者に主力艦を持たせ始めている。今、我々は我々を狩っていた連中を狩るときだ。いま、New Edenには2つの戦いがある。1つはMCと我々の同盟相手が戦っているSyndicateだ。これはVeyに展開したNCdot
の助力を得ている。もうひとつは、TESTとDarkness.の戦いだ。TESTはVenalにてSort Dragonに率いられたDarkness.とその同盟相手を襲っている。そしてPandemic Legionとその2級市民のPandemic Hordeが彼らを助けている。

Now, we, are the ones with the largest capital fleet in the game. Now, other alliances who embrace their newbies have grown up and begun to build their own capital fleets. Now it is time for us to hunt those who once hunted us.
There are two wars taking place in Eve Online right now. One is a conflict between MC and our allies The Initiative in Syndicate. This has been supported by NC. staging out of Vey.Another is a conflict between TEST alliance and Darkness. With TEST assaulting Darkness and their allies in Venal, and Pandemic Legion and their second-class citizens, Pandemic Horde, supporting Darkness, lead by Sort Dragon.

今日、我々は北を襲撃する。我々は、どちらの戦場にも介入する。我々は、敵の選んだ戦場へ向かう。彼らは選ぶことができる。どの勢力に味方し、どの勢力を見捨てるかを。たとえ何があっても、彼らはどちらかの戦線にて敗北する。我々はこの作戦をLow Secから行う。我々は、この作戦を巨大な主力艦艦隊を動員して行う。我々は、これらを彼らが10年間やり続けてきたことと同じことをやりかえす。今日、我々は、彼になる、安全なところから襲い続ける存在に。SOVやCitadelやR64やCapital建造施設はどうでもいい。

Today, we strike north. We will strike between these conflicts. We will be targetting a place which will force our enemies to choose. They can choose to support one of these wars or the other. No matter what, one of these fronts will fall. We will do this from a staging system in lowsec. We will do this with mass capitals. We will do this to our enemies in exactly the same way they have done to use for the past ten years. But now, it will be us, wreaking havoc from a position of invulnerability. Not just sov, not just citadels, not just R64s, and not just their capital yards.


Everything will burn. So now, we convoy north. Destination will remain a secret until we get closer to the target. We have watched a lot of speculation amongst our foes, and surprisingly enough they still havent seemed to figure it out. So we wont tell them. You will all know soon enough when we get to the destination. This will be a dirty war. A new type of war for GSF. Some of our allies may have experience with it already, but for us it will be new. We will be experimenting with a number of new tactics.


Instead of the so-called elite and their servitors, working by a hot war, and interfering with our plans, we will be the ones wreaking havoc on them. We will use our capitals to ruin the foe. We will be using our citadels to ruin the foe. And, we will be using our vast wealth to ruin the foe.


We will take everything that this enemy has spent more than a decade trying to prevent GSF from achieving, and use this blood and treasure to bring about, at long last, justice.


Now, the hurfing of the blurfs is concluded, and we are going to go into some more details and some Q&A.



どうだろうか?熱い演説だ。 とりあえず、また後日、詳しくMittani閣下の演説を分析したいと思う。 Mittani閣下は都合の悪いところは端折り、そして、都合のいいところだけ切り出している。だが…一つ言えるのは彼は、もしくは彼のスピーチライターは優秀だと言うことだ。トランプ政権下のアメリカで、この演説は心に響く人が多いことだろう。 God Bless GSF, God bless Mittani.




So, couple of things here. As an example, the person who just lost a shitload of Rorquals and a hel ratting in a SOTG or mining during a SOTG, dont use your capitals like an idiot when we are not in Delve.
We expect to be gone for about a month.
Also one of the first things we expect to be doing once we hit the destination is reactivating the Fremen project. Now, for those of you who participated in the Casino war, the Fremen were solo sov hackers. We are not going to be taking a region and owning a region. However ,we are going to be using the genious level game design that CCP Fozzie gifted us with to wreak as much misery as possible on our targets. There are lot of low ADM systems, and what the fremen do is we point you at a range of targets, and individuals can create sov timers for our foes in a concentrated area. So expect that
We are going to be gone for a month, possibly longer, depending on how it goes. The first day is us moving to the target zone. I had to change my speech at the last minute. I was going to hurf lots of blurfs about a specific enemy, but it turns out the bad guys still dont seem to know where we are going. So I had to strip all that out.
I do assure you that everyone we are going to be hitting in this conflict was directly involved in the casino war, and that there will be vengence, and that they are assholes.
One of the things that I want people to be used to going into this ,that is different from our past policy, is that we are moving our caps, we are leaving behind our supercapitals to defend delve. However, the intention is to leverage the economic advantage we have built up in delve to hurt our targets. This means the capital FCs are going to be much more aggressive than usual, and I will be perfectly happy with us expending dreadnoughts to dreadbomb everything that moves.
We are much more wealthy than we were during the casino war, and some of the tactics we are going to be utilising involve simply throwing away citadels and capital ships to hurt our enemies more. Because our foes simply lack the ability to regenerate their isk like we do, as they are no longer allowed to cheat, to RMT or to rely on gambling addiction and dark money, to make up for the fact they are simply not that good at eve when they dont have cheat codes.
If we are lucky, at long last, we can evacuate our trapped supers from 93PI


State of the Goonion – Live


Foch Petain is a member of Caladrius Alliance, SAKUMA Drop.

-0.0情報, EVE Null Sec史

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