0.0情報 CaladriusAlliance その他

[Translated] MTO2-2 My Big Toy was There

This is translated version of post submitted by our titan pilot.

The original post can be found here.


A.D.2014/1/28, YC116/1/28

I was flying a crow in B-R5RB in Immensea, in the midst of the biggest capital fight ever.

I saw multiple doomsday device firing. I saw swarms of fighter bombers destroying ships.

However, my crow was completely powerless in the fight.

In such a heavy TiDi which I couldn't even control my ship, I swore.

I swore to become not the one watches DDs, not the one gets DD'd, but the one uses DDs.




The operation began with the defenders bringing their capital fleet into MTO.

The massive capital fleet led by Sort Dragon himself jumped into the system through the gate.

I was there, in my Nyx, Apostle, and Erebus.

Indeed, after four years, I finally became the one to project the super weapon to enemy forces.

DRF had anchored bubbles around the gate in order to distract us, but it didn't matter.

GOTG deployed its fleet on the Keepstar.


As soon as the citadel was anchored and started repairing, DRF lit multiple cyno and small groups of Dreadnoughts jumped in.

Meanwhile, DRF Abaddon fleet and Machariel fleet warped into the grid.

The intention was obvious.

Normally, fleets show their capability when used together but they did not do so.

The reason is that they tried to force us to kill group by group, and ultimately make enough time to kill the Keepstar.


After a while, FC gave an order to use it.

I picked a Naglfar and hit Autora Ominae.

The Naglfer exploded.


As hostile dreads were 150-250km from me, blaster was useless.

I refitted to railguns and shot dreads which were on the verge of death by DDs.

I killed quite a few dreads.

I projected DD on a Naglfer again after a short time

This Naglfer also got removed from the field in a moment.


However, the capital fleet as a whole didn't work very efficiently.

The main reasons were target duplication for DDs and TiDi was so bad that we couldn't control fighters.

Three squadron of Cyclops dispatched from my Nyx did not reach hostile dreads before DT.

Even worse, they were wiped out by hostile machariel fleet.


After DT, GOTG logged in from Titans.

DRF too logged in their fleets and reopened fire.


About ET12:20

DRF brought second wave of dreads.

At this point, GOTG started target call for DD.

I hit DD again.

The target call continued throughout the battle.

It was around this time that Keepstar bled to low hull and the situation became somewhat more serious.


About 12:40.

Another squad of capitals appeared 300km above the citadel.

Since this is out of range of titans and supercarries couldn't use their fighters, they were left hitting the Keepstar.

Without capitals in range, I decided to put pressure on hostile machariels.



GOTG dreads warped onto and destroyed the hostile capital squad.



It was clear that the Keepstar was going down at this point.

But the fleet have to take the gate and go home.

We put all the effort to kill as many hostiles as possible.



Keepstar exploded.

Both side withdrawn shortly.

The first battle finished with GOTG claiming ISK win and DRF comleting the strategic objective.




Another fight happened around GOTG Fortizar anchoring in the system.

GOTG had been hitting towers and citadels around the region after the first fight.


Just about the same time as the Fortizar started to repair, TEST jackdaw fleet ran into a bubble on the grid.

GOTG machariels warped in to take advantage of it while its capital fleet is still jumping into the system.

We killed TEST's main FC,pgl, but it became clear that this was a trap.

DRF/TEST bomber fleets launched their bombs wave after wave.

Being exposed to overwhelming damage, GOTG Machariel fleet took a huge loss.


However, PL Supercapital fleet entered field and warped to the citadel.

GOTG capitals also warped close to DRF battleships and unleashed their firepower.


DRF fleet were foreced to withdraw and GOTG achieved its strategic objective, to anchor a Fortizar and set up a beachhead in Perrigen Falls.


-0.0情報, CaladriusAlliance, その他

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